
Linkin Park – Burn It Down

Submitted by / 12 years ago / New Singles

Linkin Park Burn It Down

It seems slightly crazy to me that Linkin Park are just about ready to drop their fifth studio album called “Living Things“, but then again this is a band that has been around the public consciousness for over 12 years now.

Production on the new album was handled again by co-lead vocalist Mike Shinoda and the legendary Rick Rubin, who both co-produced the band’s two previous studio albums. Thankfully though, their new lead single “Burn It Down” sounds a lot more like their earlier work, whilst still demonstrating musical growth and progression. Certainly filling me with a greater sense of hope than the lead singles from both “Minutes To Midnight” and “A Thousand Suns“.

Let us know what you make of it though.

Linkin Park – “Burn It Down”

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