
Stavarsky – Track 05 (Demo)

Submitted by / 13 years ago / New Songs

Stavarsky Silhouttes EP

It has to be said that I am a massive fan of Daft Punk‘s Tron: Legacy OST, so when I first heard Stavarsky‘s impressive single Posthuman I was all over it like a rash. The dark, brooding undertones sat perfectly with me and I knew that in time there would be more fantastic material to follow.

Even though the track I’m posting up now is a rough demo that has been crudely named Track 05 (a number taken from his forthcoming Silhouettes EP), once I had passed multiple back-to-back replays on SoundCloud it was obvious that it had already passed my fickle litmus test for quality.

Let me know what you guys make of it anyway, am I on to something or do I need to re-evaluate my selection guidelines?

Stavarsky – “Track 05” (Demo)