
Rusko – Shut Up feat. Mike Posner

Submitted by / 13 years ago / New Songs

Rusko - Shut Up

It looks like Rusko sprang a leak today when his new track Shut Up with Mike Posner hit the Internet in its full glory. He wasn’t too happy about it either:

sometimes tracks leak and its great promotionsometimes tracks leak and you lose a FUCKLOAD of moneytoday is not a good day

I can sympathise with him losing money, but I don’t feel that sorry for him.

Firstly, if I had new unreleased material sitting around I would invest a lot of my money in network and hardware security to make sure nobody is stealing my shit. Secondly, I would make sure that the team who had access to the tracks were infallible and under pain of death if they even thought of leaking it. Thirdly, the best thing to do when something like this happens is to release the song legally, therefore limiting the amount of financial damage he would incur. Has he done that? No.

I honestly have no idea how songs continue to leak in this day and age, the only cause I can think of is sloppiness on the artists’ part. They can’t really blame anyone but themselves.

So Rusko, unless you’re actively trying to improve your situation then you can go ahead and follow your own advice mate.

Rusko – Shut Up feat. Mike Posner

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