
Ms. Dynamite – Neva Stop

Submitted by / 13 years ago / New Singles

Ms. Dynamite - Neva Stop

As I said early last year, if Ms. Dynamite could back in the studio with some talented producers behind her, there is a real chance that she could resurrect her (once presumed dead) music career.

It seems like someone else was giving her similar advice, as tonight she premiered her new single Neva Stop on Mistajam’s 1Xtra show. Produced by the musical whizkid Labrinth, Neva Stop is her first solo foray since her second album Judgement Days tanked in the charts all the way back in 2005.

You have to give her credit for trying though, if she manages to pull this off it will be one of the greatest musical comebacks in recent memory.

Ms. Dynamite – Neva Stop

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