Dizzee Rascal – Dirtee Disco

As is the fashion in the music industry at the moment, Dizzee Rascal is re-releasing his most recent album Tongue n’ Cheek with a few added bonus tracks. It’s a fucking sham honestly. He has already released a HMV version and a fucking Christmas version too.

Anyway, this new track Dirtee Disco (is anyone else getting bored of the word dirtee?) is going to be released as a single from it, on you guessed it, the 24th May.

I won’t be marking that date in my diary, as for me this track is pretty weak. It’s in the style of Dance wiv Me and Holiday, (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing) but it’s just getting a bit boring now. I even kind of miss some of his older stuff.

The verses are decent, and they have a great bassline running through them, but the chorus makes me want to punch him in the face. I think it’s atrocious, but decide for yourselves!

Dizzee Rascal – Dirtee Disco

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p.s. it features One True Voice & X-Factor reject Daniel Pierce. Seems like a nice guy, fair play.

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