The Ting Tings – Hands

I was going to put this up as soon as it came out yesterday night, but unfortunately our provider had “technical issues” once again. Frankly it’s once too many for me so I’ll be looking to move the blog to a quicker more reliable host as soon as I can afford it. Just in case someone happens to be filthy rich, and is feeling particularly generous today, using the donate button on the right hand side of the page would speed the whole process up tremendously!

Anyway, back on topic.

Hands is the first single from The Ting Tings upcoming sophomore album Kunst, which will be released later this year. The Ting Tings have always come across to me as being viewed as a marmite band by the general public, people either love them or hate them and I feel this album will be no different.

There were some tracks on their debut album We Started Nothing that I really enjoyed, such as We Walk, but I have to be honest and say that this doesn’t particularly grab me at all in the slightest. Even Calvin Harris (who takes up production duties for this single), hasn’t been able to save this for me.

Let us know what you think about it though, as that is really what matters.

The Ting Tings – Hands

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