London Grammar – Nightcall (Kavinsky Cover)

London Grammar Nightcall

London Grammar Nightcall Cover

I’m as thirsty as anyone right now for London Grammar‘s debut album “If You Wait“, but not so desperate that I’m going to shamelessly upload the whole thing to the site for measly page-views **cough** **cough**.

Instead we thought we would share one final song before the release of “If You Wait” (which drops next Monday). That song is a cover of Kavinsky‘s immortal Drive intro “Nightcall“. Obviously Lovefoxx and Hannah have totally different vocals styles, but I think you will be pretty impressed by the manner in which they have taken this one on.

Of course, if you want to stream the whole of “If You Wait” right now, you can head over to their gorgeous purpose made site to listen to every song in detail complete with lyrics. What are you waiting for?!

Listen: London Grammar – “Nightcall” (Kavinsky Cover)

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